Instructor            :  Besim Baranoğlu, Ph.D.

e-mail                    :

Assistant              None assigned

Lecture hours      :  Wednesday 0930-1220 (Classroom: 2035)

Lab hour              : 

Web                      :


Course book        :  None Assigned


Reference books  : 

  • Gaul, L., Kögl, M., Wagner, M., Boundary Element Methods for Engineers and Scientists, Springer, 2003.
  • Wrobel, L. C., The Boundary Element Method Volume I : Applications in Thermo-fluids and Acoustics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001.
  • Aliabadi, M. H., The Boundary Element Method Volume II : Applications in Solids and Structures, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001.
  • Kythe, P., K., An Introduction to Boundary Element Methods, CRC Press, 1995.
  • Cartwright, D. J., Underlying Principles of the Boundary Element Method, WIT Press, 2001.
  • Banerjee, P. K., Butterfield, R., Boundary Element Methods in Engineering Science, McGraw-Hill, 1981.
  • Beer, G., Programming the Boundary Element Method, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001.
  • Pozrikidis, C., A Practical Guide to Boundary Element Methods, Chapman & Hall, 2002.


More references may be found on the web-site of the lecture.



  1. Introduction – General overview of BEM and advantages/disadvantages
  2. Simple Math: BEM for Laplace’s Equation ()
  3. Application of BEM to Poisson’s Equation () for several functions
  4. Treatment of non-linear and non-homogenous problems
  5. Application of BEM to non-linear problems of heat transfer, mass transfer and acoustics
  6. BEM applied to small strain / small deformation steady-state elasticity
  7. Coupling BEM with other numerical methods.